by Usama Ahmad | Jul 12, 2018 | Roadmap
As always, while this roadmap was developed in good faith, it depicts our intentions at this particular moment in time. Our intentions are subject to change from time to time 🙂 .
Oct 2021 – Dec 2021
Long-term storage Fees.
Performance improvements
All reports available through API
Integration of COGS into SCM (COGS defined by shipments)
Cardless registration
Jul 2021 – Sep 2021
PRIVATE BETA Supply Chain Management (phase III – Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders, Warehouse Inventory, Order Tracker, Movements Log)
Mar 2021 – Jun 2021
PUBLIC BETA Supply Chain Management (phase I – Suggested replenishments with multiple velocities)
PUBLIC BETA Supply Chain Management (Phase II – 3PL Warehouses, Suppliers, Lead Times)
Jul 2020 – Feb 2021
Postponed Total revamp notifications and addition of more notifications
Deployed Offer all implemented notifications as Zapier triggers.
Deployed Sales statistics, PL Report, Dashboards in unified currency for all accounts
PostponedAbility to define Custom Columns in tables
Deployed Expose API on oAuth Protocol.
Mar 2020 – Jun 2020
Deployed Common inventory across all EU marketplaces
Deployed Sponsored Display Adds
Deployed Ability to select user-defined book-keeping (local) currency and express all reports accordingly
Deployed Multi-Currency COGS and tighter integration with Inventory, especially for EU.
Deployed Asin-Based COGS (one COGS for all variations)
Deployed Introduction of webhooks.
Nov 2019 – Feb 2020
Deployed Unified dashboard across currencies
Deployed Out of stock calendar.
Jan 2019 – Oct 2019
Deployed New User Interface: a complete overhaul of User Interface design with improved User Experience
Deployed Architecture changes in preparation to Foreign Exchange implementation
Deployed PPC Headline Ads.
Deployed Shipments, Warehouses and Inter-warehouse Shipments in 3PL warehouses.
Deployed Out of stock consideration in Reorder calculation.
Oct 2018 – Dec 2018:
Deployed User-selectable method to calculate ROI (build your own formula!)
Deployed User-selectable method to show VAT in Profit and Loss (Calculated by Amazon or calculated by SellerLegend)
Deployed User-selectable method to show PPC costs in Profit and Loss (Amazon retrospectively-billed amount or daily calculated amount by SellerLegend)
Deployed Conditional formatting of any column in table screens based on the values of any other column
Deployed Bulk-upload of shipping Costs for FBM orders (upload by order number)
Deployed Considering Warehouse Inbounds in Reorder calculation.
Deployed Configurable contributors to available quantities (inbound/reserved/in transit)
Deployed New alert for suppressed listings
Deployed New alert for negative/neutral merchant feedback
Jul 2018 – Sep 2018:
Deployed Seller Feedback Report
Deployed Inbound Non-compliance Report
Deployed Fancy Image Uploader for product thumbnails
DELAYED Date formats to respect user’s locale.
Deployed Configurable ROI formula.
DeployedTwo Factor Authentication
DeployedImproved taxes handling in PL report
Deployed Graphical view of Sessions and Performance data
Deployed Main Chart annotations
Deployed Custom Table Views
Deployed Add Australia Marketplace
DeployedAdd Japan Marketplace
by Usama Ahmad | Feb 15, 2018 | Roadmap
We have been neglecting our PPC functionality and we have fallen behind our competitors. Additionally, with 1.8 Billion (with a capital B) search terms in our database, performance on the search terms performance/keyword performance widgets is not great.
So, we have vowed to take action and get back in the saddle again.
We will start by restructuring the PPC database and assigning it to a dedicated server, rather than sharing the main servers. We aim to have this done by the end of this month and it should be relatively transparent to you.
The next bit is where we’d like to enrol your assistance: We’d like to work with you if you are an expert in PPC and are willing to share your ideas as to how to improve or transform our current PPC functionality. This will include implementing AMS functionality and automating the bidding and keyword management process. As we now have a budding AI specialist in our development team, we will investigate opportunities to use these new technologies.
If you wish to help, you should be
– Very well versed in PPC management
– Not a white labeller of ours (or, if you are, accept that if we develop according to your specifications, this will be available to all SL users and not exclusive to your white label account)
– Able to participate in regular conference calls to discuss/review design, specification and user interface
– Able to devote time to beta test the developments.
We aim to start sometime in early March and anticipate this will be 6 to 8 weeks of work.
Please let us know whether you’d want to participate.
by Usama Ahmad | Feb 2, 2018 | Roadmap
If you do Subscribe and Save, it is quite tedious to determine whether the scheme is profitable and whether it does generate repeat sales from a presumed ‘captive audience’ of buyers.
We have no immediate intention of providing S&S functionality in SL, there doesn’t seem to be that much demand for it. But just in case this would change, we have built a prototype to see what S&S KPI’s could be extracted from the data we already hold.
So here is an allegedly working Google sheet that operates off a filtered SL Orders download.
Please make sure you COPY THE SHEET FIRST and follow the instructions in the README FIRST tab.
The sheet shows you a monthly breakdown of S&S sales by ASIN, providing Units, Orders, Revenue, Profit, number of cancellations, cancellation rate per month and overall cancellation rate, as well as +/- monthly units variance.
It also shows per ASIN which customers have ordered regularly every month and provides a view of the reordering pattern by month by customer.
You can find the sheet here:…/19rPJg63005o_YnQzGZ3e2gSDa8…/edit…
by Usama Ahmad | Jan 16, 2018 | Roadmap
– Sales Heatmap (really nice
– Monthly Storage Fees (really useful)
– Disposal Orders (if that is your cup of tea …)
And sometime later
– Inbound Shipments (that will allow us to start improving the inventory features)
by Usama Ahmad | Jan 12, 2018 | Roadmap
As you know, SellerLegend already supports multi-language screens. However, I’d understand if you’d be less than impressed if you are a non-English speaker and attempted to use the feature today, as all that is translated is the odd error message and the page navigation items at the top and the bottom of the page.
The reason for the poor state of affairs is because we’d need to translate all the screen contents into their corresponding languages, and that is a very tall order.
So, we thought you might want to help if you need such a translation facility for your own comfort. In a couple of weeks, we will be publishing a set of google sheets with all the screen column headings for each screen and would welcome your assistance to provide us with the translations in your preferred language.
To prevent the translation sheets being spammed, we will only make the sheets available to named volunteers. So, if you’d like to help, please let us know (as a comment below)
- Your name,
- Which page(s) you would be interested to translate and
- Which language(s) you intend to help us with.
We will then send you a link to the specific page where you will be able to provide us with the translated text.
As we are seeing a large influx of sellers from Israel, we have now included support for Right-To-Left languages such as Hebrew. Here’s a view of such a screen. (Translation courtesy of Google Translate, so do not expect it to be accurate!)

by Usama Ahmad | Dec 29, 2017 | Roadmap
Starting mid-January, we intend to begin beta testing a significant piece of functionality which will allow Warehouse and Shipments management.
I have alluded to this in earlier teasers: it is essentially the ability to define as many external warehouses as you want, assign products to warehouses, allow for inter-warehouse shipments, status tracking of said shipments, assign suppliers to products, produce suppliers purchase orders define shipping plans, and keep all these moving parts in sync with your inventory forecasting and management portion of SL.
As we need to balance speed of testing against the effort of supporting the testing, we will be limiting the number of participants to 10. Five slots are already reserved for our white label partners so we would need 5 more of you to volunteer to achieve our goal.
The pre-requisite is that
- You have at least 3 to 5 external warehouses and
- No more than 50 suppliers
If you exceed that quota, you can still participate, but we’ll just limit your numbers for the beta testing.
We would need participants who have a decent number of shipments per month, as we’d like to complete the testing in no more than a month, if possible.
Interested? Please let us know.