by mgimena | Feb 28, 2017 | News & Events, Service Alerts
Amazon’s web hosting services are among the most widely used out there, which means that when Amazon’s servers go down, a lot of things go down with them. That appears to be happening today, with Amazon reporting “high error rates” in one region of its S3 web services, and a number of services going offline because of it.
Trello, Quora, IFTTT, and Splitwise all appear to be offline, as are websites built with the site-creation service Wix; GroupMe seems to be unable to load assets and Alexa is struggling to stay online, too. Nest’s app was unable to connect to thermostats and other devices for a period of time as well. also appears to be down as a result of the outage.
There’s no estimate on when service will be restored, but Amazon says it is “actively working on remediating the issue.”
SellerLegend is hosted in the US West (Oregon) region, and currently, only the US East (Virginia) region is affected by the failure. So we should not be impacted.
Except …
It is impossible to know whether Amazon internal services are affected (for example some portions of the MWS API).
Rest assured that SellerLegend is designed with resilience and recoverability in mind. Even if Amazon goes down, we expect SellerLegend to auto recover when they come back up.
Bear in mind you MAY be experiencing issues with SellerCentral as well. At this stage, the Amazon catalog website is not known to be impacted, so this event should not adversely affect your sales.
by mgimena | Feb 5, 2017 | Service Alerts
Sunday, February 5th, 2017 @ 11:15 AM GMT
We are aware that the PPC data is not downloading. This has been traced to be an Amazon issue.
We have submitted a problem report to Amazon’s help desk and are awaiting their assistance.
We will keep you updated as soon as we get a response.
Monday, February 6th, 2017 @ 01:40 PM GMT
Amazon have acknowledged that this is a known issue of theirs. They are working on a fix. Unfortunately, they are unable to give us an ETA at this time.
Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 @ 02:50 PM GMT
PPC Stats working again (?)
Just reporting that the PPC stats seem to download again. However, Amazon technical support is remarkably mum about the incident and did not have the courtesy to let us know that it was repaired. So we don’t know whether this is going to last …
Would y’all kindly keep an eye on your PPC Stats and report back if you feel there is anything untoward?
by mgimena | Jan 26, 2017 | New Features
The Precursor To Our Future Refunds Manager
- You now have an additional menu item under the Sales menu called Reimbursements.
- This new screen will show you all reimbursements received in the past 18 months and it is updated once a day.
- Click here to see the knowledge base article relating to reimbursements
- This is the pre-requisite to enabling the Refunds Management functionality.
- Our next step will be to provide you with a further screen which will show all the orders which had
- 1) an order refund with no physical goods being returned 45 days after the refund return was agreed
- OR
- 2) an order refund with physical goods returned for which the Status in not ‘Unit returned to inventory’ and which does not show a reimbursement
- This will provide the first instance of the refund manager and it will allow you to claim for all refunds satisfying either of the above conditions.
- Due to development staff vacations, the refunds manager will start development around mid-February.

by mgimena | Jan 26, 2017 | New Features
Thank you for your patience
Your Inventory Monthly Valuation Screen now shows 13 month’s worth of data. This should be sufficient to supply you with your company’s end of tax year stock position.
Please click here to see the knowledge base article for the monthly valuations.
by mgimena | Jan 23, 2017 | News & Events
Here Comes The Cavalry To The Rescue
- While we are updating your monthly valuations data to stretch to the last 13 months, it is not advisable for you to use that feature.
- Indeed, there is a very, very minor risk that the data for the month you need is just being onboarded at the time you view the screen and it may not be 100 % complete at the time.
- In the meantime, you can use the following spreadsheet to assist you in calculating the number of units you had in stock per SKU.
- We anticipate that the SellerLegend Monthly Valuation data update will be completed in a couple of days, so this spreadsheet is only useful during that period, or when you need to get data that is more than 13 months old.
- It is OK to share it this spreadsheet with people who do not subscribe to SellerLegend.
PS. The SKU/FNSKU in the sample sheet are fake 🙂