Over the past 18 months, we have had many support tickets questioning the accuracy of our revenue numbers, as they are not matching Amazon’s.

While we have an excellent knowledge base article about the subject, many of you were left incredulous, but were willing to give us the benefit of the doubt. Thank you for your trust.

Many others cancelled their subscription before the end of the trial, giving us the reason that they did not trust our numbers.

With the advent of the P&L report, we are now able to vividly demonstrate why our revenue numbers are (were) not matching SellerCentral’s dashboard numbers.

Below is a screenprint of a medium-sized account P&L Statement. Notice the large uplift in revenue when looking at the P&L over two and a half years of trading.

While we have demonstrable justification, many people will not care to ask why the difference and will just decide to cancel their subscription anyway during their trial. So, we have decided to do something about this.

To be continued ….