The Precursor To Our Future Refunds Manager
- You now have an additional menu item under the Sales menu called Reimbursements.
- This new screen will show you all reimbursements received in the past 18 months and it is updated once a day.
- Click here to see the knowledge base article relating to reimbursements
- This is the pre-requisite to enabling the Refunds Management functionality.
- Our next step will be to provide you with a further screen which will show all the orders which had
- 1) an order refund with no physical goods being returned 45 days after the refund return was agreed
- OR
- 2) an order refund with physical goods returned for which the Status in not ‘Unit returned to inventory’ and which does not show a reimbursement
- This will provide the first instance of the refund manager and it will allow you to claim for all refunds satisfying either of the above conditions.
- Due to development staff vacations, the refunds manager will start development around mid-February.