Or How To Turn SellerLegend Customer Data Into A Searchable Map.

As promised, here are the instructions to turn a SellerLegend Customer List Download into a Google Map in less than 3 minutes. The generated map will show all your customer’s locations.

You can actually query all the map data points against any of the downloaded data columns.

This works on Macs and Windows alike and it works for all the marketplaces and even countries outside the Amazon marketplaces, as we have geocoded all your addresses.

Let me reassure you that all the data in the spreadsheet on the video is fake and had been anonymized with data generated through fakenamegenerator dot com.

Please note this solution is not specific to SellerLegend, you can use any data which has been geocoded (a wink to our competitors out there 🙂 ).

Please let us know how you get on.

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